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What Is Biomagnetism?
Biomagnetic Pair Therapy, or biomagnetism, involves the placement of magnet pairs on specific areas of the body over the clothes to balance pH. Restoration of normal pH enhances the body’s own ability to heal, in part by creating an environment that is less friendly to harmful pathogens like bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites.

The Analogy of the
Swimming Pool

Dr. Luis Garcia, who brought the practice of biomagnetism to America, explains the importance of pH balance using the analogy of the swimming pool. The ideal pH for a swimming pool is 7.2-7.4. When the pool is too acidic, green algae will grow. When it is too alkaline, black algae will grow. In the same way, pathogens are able to thrive in our bodies when local pH environments are either too acidic or too alkaline. Magnets can support the body’s own ability to clear pathogens when placed in specific locations.
What Happens During A Biomagnetism Session
Biomagnetism sessions are in-person appointments at my Montgomery, TX office. I will use personalized quantum testing to determine where to place magnets on your body. I will tape the appropriate magnet pairs over the clothes and leave them for at least 12 minutes. Because magnet pairs work by boosting your own internal repair mechanisms, this alternative therapy can assist with a wide array of health concerns.
What Do I Need to Bring to Biomagnetism Appointments?
Please avoid loose fitting clothing, skirts, or dresses. Please wear long pants. Bring some kind of beanie (without a pom pom; this protects your hair if I end up needing to place magnets on your head), a clean pair of socks, and water (it's important to stay hydrated after your session).
Do I Need to Purchase Magnets for Use at Home?
Yes. After magnet sessions, I will give you a list of magnet pairs you will need to place at home (this is your magnet "homework.") This is an essential component of biomagnetic pair therapy in order to get results. Most homework protocols involve placement of 8-15 pairs.
Purchase magnets here: I do not benefit financially from your purchase.
The ideal number of magnets to purchase is 15 pairs (4 small magnets, 8 medium magnets, 3 large magnets). You will get a 15% discount on your purchase at this quantity. You can make a minimum of 8 magnet pairs work, though it will be more time-consuming for you to complete the homework, and I do not recommend this. If you do decide to purchase 8 magnet pairs, choose 4 small pairs and 4 medium pairs.
*You will also need to buy some kind of masking tape (or paper tape, if your skin is more sensitive) in order to secure the magnets to your body.
Does It Matter Whether I Place Magnets on the Skin or over the Clothes when Completing Homework?
Nope! You can do either. Please wear tightly fitting clothing if you are going to place magnets over your clothes. It is important that the magnets do not slide out of place. They need to be placed in very specific locations on the body. Also note that it can be uncomfortable or irritating to place magnets directly on the skin depending on the type of tape you use, how much body hair you have, or how sensitive your skin is.
During Homework, How Long Do I Leave the Magnets on?
If you're located in Texas, you must leave the magnets on your body for 12 minutes.